Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Years at Hogwarts

Last night my son Grompton and my Husband Rodolphus went to Hogwarts anual New Years Eve costume ball. It was an especially good one this year as we have much to celebrate now that he who must not be named has been defeated. There were many people last night paying tribute to the heros that have fallen achieving this. Our hosts were dressed as Lupin and Tonks. There was also a fellow dressed as mad eye moody, and a Sirus Black. It makes me sad that only now do we know that he was wrongly accused and should have been treated as a hero and not with fear and distain. There were also a few who chose to dress as those who were defeated. I saw Molly and Arthur last night and had to thank Molly for her pattern for those great sweaters she always makes for her family. My little Grompton was wearing his last night, he chose to dress as his hero Harry Potter. Molly is doing surprisinly well after the loss of her dear Fred. She and Arthur have a new baby girl and they looked as happy as could be. Hermionie was there as well, and it was good to see her. A real surprise was to see Gilderoy Lockhart who had a one day pass from St. Mungo's to attend the party. He was the same as always.
I am glad the ordeal of the last year is behind us , but I must say I am a little dissapointed about not being able to read about the adventures of Harry Potter in the daily prophet. I think it is good that they finally let him live in peace, but was always so fun to read all the new stories about him. I have saved all the past articles and are just happy to reread all the old stories.

Molly has gotten me involved is a great knitting swap with other witches and I am really looking forward to it. I am hoping this new year will bring lots of relaxation.


Neila said...

Welcome to Ravenclaw, Emma! As prefect, I'm glad you're here. I hope you're ready for lots of hard work, quick thinking and plenty of run. We're destined to win the House Cup this year.

Neila said...

As prefect for Ravenclaw House, I would like to welcome you. I hope you are prepared for lots of homework, quick thinking and fun! We must win that House Cup this year!

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I am ready to start my work twords the house cup. I am so happy to be back working with Ravenclaw (reminds me of the good old days at hogwarts!)I will have to go over and introduce myself to the rest of the Ravenclaws. I am confident we will be the ones to win the house cup this year!!!Emma