Friday, June 6, 2008

my Patronus

I am embarrassed to say that I haven't had to produce a patronus since I was in Hogwarts the first time around! Lucky for me I haven't ever run into a dementor. I had always had difficulty with the spell but after lots of hard work, in my younger days, I was able to produce a brilliant bald eagle! As expected it was just as difficult to produce one again, especially after such a long time! First finding a truly happy memory was very hard. I tried to use the day Grompton was born, but although I was extremely happy, I was also anxious, tired, and in a lot of pain! So I went back further in my memory and decided on my wedding day. As far as I am concerned it was my only truly "perfect" day. So I concentrated on that memory and yelled out "expecto Patronus" imagine my surprise when instead of a bald eagle, a fox emerged from the end of my wand! I guess my love of my husband has changed my patronus! I am so glad this assignment was given to us, otherwise I might have never known!!


Anonymous said...

how cool to have your patronus change forms ;)

mine was a stag :)

ive just got back from hogsmeade & ive been busy making ravenclaw stitch markers ;)

Anonymous said...

Well dear Emma - Im almost finished putting together your package and i will probably have everything sent out to you in the next 2 weeks ok. but ill let you know for sure the day that i send it.
