I recieved my kit today from Emma Scrimgeour. She made me a very nice cowl with a cute pin on it. There is some nice purple self striping sock yarn, a pattern for ankle socks, stitch markers and a whole lot of great smelling coffee. Thanks Emma!
I have been getting together all the last little pieces of my kit together. The yarn I ordered is really nice, I may have to order some for myself after the holidays are over. I am working on the handmade object and I am really happy with the color choices I made. I should have that wrapped up this weekend then I can just focus on wrapping everything up and getting some treats crammed into the box as well.
I am a witch living in the suburbs. I love to knit, crochet, and spin. My current proffesion is potions mistress in charge of quality control for the Ministry of Magic. I have a lovely husband Rodolphus and a fabulous son Grompton who is currently too young but we hope will be attending Hogwarts when he comes of age.